

I remember the first time I heard the music of Mali, West Africa. A doorway opened inside of me and I passed into the flow of timeless rhythm. My heart was filled with the tones, layers of rhythm, sounds and images. I felt the sweet, deep heartbeat of Mother Earth connecting me to something so vast... I wanted more direct experience. (full article link)


FOLI movieToday, many people are drawn to the djembe, which originated in the West African countries of Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Senegal. There music plays a deep fundamental role, both spiritually as well as moving with everyday life. Rhythm accompanies activities such as planting, fieldwork, fishing, hunting and important life events such as birth, marriage, death, festivals, ceremonies, divination, healing and initiation. Specific rhythms are honored as living spirits that fulfill particular purposes. The djembe and its rhythms have a life, a spirit with no beginning or end, a timeless flow of energy.



The drum is a powerful carrier of energy and healing through all levels of Being. Healing means bringing oneself again and again into harmony with the deep fundamental rhythm of life. Like the cycles of the sun, moon, tides and seasons expressing deep rhythms, the drum patterns resonate and inform us on many unconscious and biological levels. In these moments we can experience an ancient medicine tradition and allow it to continue through us.

Rhythm is necessary for life. The beating of our hearts, our breathing, neurons firing at a certain tempo in our brain, and countless other functions all have rhythm. Dis-ease can be seen as dis-order in bodily rhythm and loss of our connection to the universal rhythmic flow. Studies show that drumming induces natural healing states, balances the brain and relaxes the nervous system. It reduces stress, reduces chronic pain, boosts immune function, deepens self awareness and engenders a sense of connectedness with all of life.



As we drum, we discover the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. Multiple rhythms bathe us in a sea of sound. It is so fulfilling and joyful to play with others and experience the moment when all the parts suddenly unify and the rhythm is playing us. We drop into a deep river together that flows endlessly. We share the transcendent joy of this trans-rational celebration of living.



As we play traditional rhythms together with a relaxed focus, we experience a deep connection and balance restored. We can express our wholeness and celebrate the joyful unity of life. This leads us to experience the heart of non-conceptual community. Drumming together is a collective contribution we can make as we participate in and generate healthy positive energy.





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